Coaching Offer

Coaching means working with you to get to the heart of the issues you want to address, hone your self-awareness, transform your thinking, and unleash your resourcefulness to achieve your specific outcomes for maximum impact.

Our Executive and Senior Level coaching conversations offer space and time to achieve deeper connection with your own values, compassion towards self and others, and awareness about your inner self and current impact. You can then see any gaps more clearly and decide how to bridge where you are now and where you want to be, to achieve your specific outcomes.

Across diverse individuals and sectors, typical coaching agendas may cover:

  • Effective relationships at Board level/ with other Senior colleagues

  • Influencing system stakeholders to craft and deliver strategic goals

  • Forging partnerships with colleagues, service users and communities

  • Leading with emotional intelligence, compassion and meaningful connection

  • Listening to your inner voice, voices of others that need to be heard, and taking action

  • Boosting personal impact

  • Aligning values and goals

  • Personal well-being and finding balance

  • Growth mindset and learning from feedback

  • Confidence building

  • Career planning, progression and transition


Coaching Style

My 5Dcoaching model is powered by belief in people. Belief that we can live and lead as our authentic selves. Belief that each and every leader is inherently resourceful and has the capacity to be honest with themselves, hold themselves to account, and keep on growing.

I listen deeply and actively, without judgement, and pose questions with purpose, so that each coaching session is expertly tailored. I hear what matters to people with genuine, warm curiosity. I have the emotional intelligence and empathy to both constructively challenge and offer support.

As a critical thinking partner, I encourage clients to get to the core and consider what light they hold their decisions up to. I may respectfully call out mindsets, acts, omissions and processes which perpetuate self-limiting beliefs or discrimination, so that we can explore how to adopt more confident and inclusive behaviours.

Clients can feel safe to bring their whole selves to coaching and tap into their resourcefulness, to flourish in their life outside of work, as well as in their chosen role.

I am accredited at advanced level to use the Engage Coach tool, which measures mindset and change readiness.

When we change mindset we change the result.

When we unlock mindset we unlock potential.

The Engage Coach tool provides a detailed, validated personalised profile and Self Development Report and, when repeated, gives an objective measure of shift over time.